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Sonic Fan Film


Author Topic: Sonic Fan Film  (Read 22799 times)

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Offline DarkAura

Sonic Fan Film
« on: January 11, 2013, 09:26:27 pm »
Yup. I only have one thing to say/show about this film:

Thanks to danieldude for showing me that
« Last Edit: January 12, 2013, 05:41:29 pm by DarkAura »
hi my name is izzy and i dye my hair to look like scarlett johansson

Offline Zip

Re: Sonic Fan Flim
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2013, 09:49:47 pm »
I totally noticed that. I was like... "WHAT"

Offline Antronach

Re: Sonic Fan Flim
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2013, 11:22:41 pm »
I didn't make it that far. I stopped when the "concept" acting started.

Offline Xr0s-up

Re: Sonic Fan Flim
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2013, 11:29:57 pm »
I've only watched it bit by bit but I'm not feeling it

I guess I'm more into the cartoony feel

Ok, watched the whole thing and I want my time back. The voice of Sonic was terrible and Eggman's demeanour wasn't perfectly portrayed. However, the nail in the coffin is the action scene. It's slow as heck.
I just watched the Sonic Unleashed first battle scene to stop the pain
« Last Edit: January 13, 2013, 07:34:27 am by Xr0s-up »
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Offline SonicandInuyasha

Re: Sonic Fan Film
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2013, 11:33:30 pm »
This fan movie was so fucking bad. I find it hard to see anyone liking it. So yeah, fuck you, Eddie Lebron.
I love to play Mario and Sonic games with a mix of Donkey Kong and Kirby games. Yes I'm a Nintendo nerd.

Offline TimpZ

Re: Sonic Fan Film
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2013, 06:55:24 am »
What sonic fan movie? Link?

Offline Zorkiy

Re: Sonic Fan Film
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2013, 07:00:05 am »

Offline SB737

Re: Sonic Fan Film
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2013, 10:46:21 am »
sonic has fur... robotnik is played by a human - dont watch it...
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Offline Werey

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Re: Sonic Fan Film
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2013, 07:12:54 pm »
so eggman isn't even eggman? Dafuck.

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Offline Xr0s-up

Re: Sonic Fan Film
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2013, 08:29:34 pm »
Eggman is terrible. He's like Mundus from DmC
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Re: Sonic Fan Film
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2013, 08:38:36 pm »
All of that film was terrible

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Offline Parax

Re: Sonic Fan Film
« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2013, 08:42:21 pm »
I kinda like how they did Eggman. He was nothing like in the games but he came across almost like a comic book villain straight out of Batman or something, and he seemed like a more menacing/scarier character (in other words, a better villain) for it. Also kinda like Jaleel White's Sonic.

but uh... Sonic + live action. Ugh. No. It doesn't work. At all. Would've been so much better if the movie was completely animated. And preferably had more anthropomorphs instead of human characters. The part where they suddenly switch from live action environments to an animated Green Hill was incredibly jarring.

Offline Xr0s-up

Re: Sonic Fan Film
« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2013, 10:31:01 pm »
I guess Im used to the goofy Eggman
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Offline Luxray

Re: Sonic Fan Film
« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2013, 07:05:40 am »
I kinda like how they did Eggman. He was nothing like in the games but he came across almost like a comic book villain straight out of Batman or something, and he seemed like a more menacing/scarier character (in other words, a better villain) for it. Also kinda like Jaleel White's Sonic.

Well since it seemed that their canon was mostly based off comic books (Read: Kintobor), I think it somewhat makes sense.

But really, the moment Sonic turned up, i felt somewhat jarred. Frankly it's like watching the '06 opening cutscene, and expecting Final Fantasy or some shit, then "'s Sonic." And there are numerous issues i have with seemingly everything but the individual acting of everyone -but- Sonic. The 3D models had too much reflection and shiny attached to them that they just felt out of place, rather than blending in with the environment. Kinda cool to see the quills/spines actually as what they are, felt so freaking wrong at the same time. Sonic's mouth animation, voice acting which seemed like it was 'first take' and just how they tried to blend all animation into the real world; It all felt off.

robotnik is played by a human

You were expecting something else?

so eggman isn't even eggman? Dafuck.

Blame 1990's localisation and some Americans still thinking that it's his name that was given to him by the developers. He's always been Eggman in Japan, never once referred to as Robotnik, and as such, he still is Eggman.
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Offline SB737

Re: Sonic Fan Film
« Reply #14 on: January 15, 2013, 07:43:27 am »
i was hoping for some fat animated guy for eggman, if the whole movie was animated then this film would be pretty good, but with the human characters with the animated it doesnt really work.
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Offline TimpZ

Re: Sonic Fan Film
« Reply #15 on: January 15, 2013, 01:41:37 pm »
I don't really see why people complain... I thought it was completely on par with a lot of what Sega have been spitting out the last 10 years, at least quality wise ;p.

I did feel it was like a bad first season of Stargate SG1 episode with a forced sonic thrown in however. Also, design choices aside, all the animations felt awkward and all action camera-angles felt poor. Sonics dialogue was too much of "hurr durr I'm so cool" and I could barely follow the story because too much was left to the imagination.

Offline Zorkiy

Re: Sonic Fan Film
« Reply #16 on: January 15, 2013, 05:43:41 pm »
I have to admit that the quality of some components (the acting, GFX & the music) is fairly high for a fan work. Really liked Robotnik. :) On the other hand, the overall impression of the film was indistinct, if not poor. Also, Sonic's model is somewhat original, but looks very weird, and his voice sounds terrible to me. And what Umbreon & Luxray said. Anyway, liked this in hopes to see something better next time (also, commented on the absence of subtitles - what was the author thinking?)

Speaking of fan movies, I think this old video is actually more solid, it's much simplier, but still. Hope to see the 2nd part finished someday.

Offline Werey

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Re: Sonic Fan Film
« Reply #17 on: January 16, 2013, 05:14:20 am »
Now that one, Zorkiy, was fucking awesome.
Edit: DAmn, that guy has a position with BioWare now. AWesome

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Re: Sonic Fan Film
« Reply #18 on: January 16, 2013, 11:58:29 pm »
I make it a point not to know anything about these things before I watch them so I can go in with no preconceptions.

Nobody's going to mistake this for high art, that's for sure. The acting was amateurish, the scene choices were questionable (going from normal environments to checkerboard and loop Green Hill, wut), and for a movie allegedly about Sonic, he was absent for far too much of it. I felt for the length that the movie ran, it had too much dead space; either more should have happened in the plot, or the movie should have been shorter. The CGI stood out noticeably with Sonic and the robots frequently not even casting shadows. I don't think it would have killed them to have Robotnik's mustache at least be long enough to stick a little off the sides of his face, either. Jaleel White hasn't voiced Sonic in over a decade, and you can tell. A few parts were well acted, like the banter between him and the female GUN soldier (where he thankfully seems aware of how awkward him hitting on a human female is, which hasn't always been the case), but in the fight scenes his voice seemed really flat and forced. Probably the biggest flaw in the movie is that there's no real climax or resolution, it just sort of stops, and right as things were starting to happen.

That said, I have to keep it in perspective that this movie is being done for fun without any hope of profiting, and without any assistance from Sega. And that, unfortunately, I have seen "professional" movies worse than this one. I might have actually found this enjoyable if it was the first part of a series or an extended teaser rather than being the entire movie itself.

Also Egoraptor voiced the E-100 series, and that's awesome AWESOME.
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